style roulette is just a necessity: document everyday life of two girls living in the opposite sides of the world but with same tastes and style attitudes.
write this blog as a roulette: never expect what to get everyday, there will be different places, different styles, different people.

Saturday, 31 July 2010

downtown boston

Here I am with my black coffee and the Providence Journal, listening to Stornoway (anyone who hasn't heard 'Zorbing' please look it up on youtube right. this. second) just like any other Sunday morning...but this is not just any Sunday morning. Today is FAMILY REUNION SUNDAY: 150+ members of my Italian family all eating under the same roof. A tent roof. Outdoors. This only happens every 10 years, so I'm quite lucky to be visiting in my home state this weekend...

Anyway here are some photos from Boston!

Our first (only) full day in Boston started off like all good city days...outside in the sun, with an iced latte at a beautiful little café. This is Café Vanille in Beacon Hill, I haven't ordered a chocolate croissant since I was in Belgium (with Kelsey!) and this one was divine. In the state of mind I'm usually in when I wake up at 8am (jet lagged) this is a necessity.

If you ever go to Boston, set aside PLENTY of time to walk around Beacon Hill. We were there before the stores were even open (a first in my life) and then went back later that evening at sunset. I can't believe this is in the center of Boston; it's so calm and practically deserted, I can't believe people actually live in these dream houses!

But of course the cutest street in all of America (as a construction worker stopped to tell us) is ACORN STREET. Just look at this...

Could the people who live here be any cooler? No big deal I'll just park my BRIGHT RED VESPA outside my multimillion-dollar townhouse...

Brief cultural moments on the Freedom Trail: sadly I don't remember what these buildings are, but there were schoolgroups outside both of them, so there must be some history to be found here...

Faneuil Hall Marketplace: it's stuffed to its eyeballs with tourists (ie screaming children) but worth a visit anyways...

Then we walked into the North End, the Italian area of Boston, and found a hole-in-the-wall Italian family's bakery that ended up being a highlight of the trip. We spent ages looking through their heavenly selection of pastries but ended up choosing Boston Creme Pie (appropriate!) and sat on a doorstep across the street to devour it.

Walking around the North End: We walked into a boutique and asked a girl working there if she had recommendations for where to eat lunch, and ended up talking with her for half an hour about all her favorite places in Boston (and sharing study abroad memories of course). People are so friendly here!

Aaand then we got on the metro to Harvard Square and managed to see probably 6 more neighborhoods in the same day...those photos coming later!


  1. amy,
    can i make a wish?
    i'd love to see more fashion, additionally to your fabolous food-drink and city-pictures!
    your vintage purchases, your style, your outfits..that really inspires me!
    but go on, i love your writing and the whole blog!

  2. HI LOVE, danke schön für deinen Kommentar, es freut mich, weil ich war über dieses denken, aber ich wusste nicht, ob jemand diesen Post möchten...Aber nun du sagte dieser, ich werde es tun!! LOVE FROM THE US (wo ich lerne Deutsch ahhaha) hope everything is lovely in germany!!

  3. liebe amy,
    dein deutsch ist bereits jetzt sehr gut!
    ich finde es toll, dass du unsere (schöne) sprache lernst- weiter so! (=so on!)

    und JAAAAA, ich möchte diese outfit-posts!
