style roulette is just a necessity: document everyday life of two girls living in the opposite sides of the world but with same tastes and style attitudes.
write this blog as a roulette: never expect what to get everyday, there will be different places, different styles, different people.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

one day in D.C.

Some photos from the only day I took my camera out in D.C.! First off let me just say that I love this city but that weather has GOT to go. It was so humid and sticky all day and then as soon as I got off the metro on my way home to the hotel...FLASH FLOODS!! what is this place??

Anyway I was so thrilled to see ANDREA again, one night I went to her house for dinner and the next day I met her near her job (my friend the future ruler of the world) for lunch at Cosi. When her Blackberry started ringing with work emails we said goodbye and I walked down the street to the Sculpture Garden. It's a very cool place to walk around and eat lunch outside, here's one of my favorite pieces:

 When it got too hot outside, I walked to the National Gallery of Art before meeting my friend Melanie later that afternoon...

This museum is colossal...I walked in thinking I'd just take a quick look but ended up getting lost in there for 4 hours. They have a bunch of exhibits going on right now, like the Matisse cut-outs (really beautiful and HUGE), a ton of Beat photographs from Allen Ginsberg's collection, and a big Mark Rothko exhibit too. I even ran into one of my old roommates from my first university in California (which is 3000 miles away...) small world!

There's so much to see but this was one of my absolute favorites: Chuck Close created the piece below completely with his fingerprints...and it's over 8 feet tall!

The underground walkway between buildings:

National Mall

MELANIE! This little munchkin is one of my very best friends from Pomona, the first university I went to, and I hadn't seen her in over a year until I went to D.C. How adorable is she!? 

We found a frozen yogurt place near Dupont Circle after she and her boyfriend Alan finished work, I was so glad to see them both before they go to ATHENS for the semester, exciting!

That's all from D.C....soon I am putting up photos from my trip with Kelsey to BOSTON!!
hope everyone is having a lovely week!


  1. wtf is the sculpture on the 2nd pic?

  2. Hahha, no idea i just thought it was cool! It's by 2 Dutch guys I think and called "Typewriter Eraser" or something, maybe that's what typewriter erasers really look like...hmm
